The Scribe is much larger than the basic Kindle or Kindle Paperwhite, with a 10.2-inch screen at 300 ppi. The Amazon Kindle Scribe is the first Kindle to support note-taking with an included stylus. Kobo devices that have seamless OverDrive integration won’t see any changes borrowing ebooks via OverDrive will continue to function as normal beyond 2022. OverDrive will be phased out by the end of 2022, which means you’ll have to download the Libby app on your iOS or Android device to wirelessly deliver ebooks to your Kindle. All of the ebook readers we tested allow you to use the OverDrive or Libby apps to borrow free ebooks from your local library. Just a few examples include the capability to share purchased books with people on your Amazon Prime account X-Ray, which helps identify notable people and terms in your books the optional Kindle Unlimited service, which gives you on-demand access to a huge catalog of books for a flat rate every month and Amazon Kids+, which provides access to kid’s books, movies, TV shows, and more (a free, one-year subscription is included with the Kindle Paperwhite Kids). The huge collection of services that Amazon and its partners offer is a major reason why we love the Kindle Paperwhite Kids. While all readers allow you to side-load unprotected content, it’s important that they provide easy access to a large library of commercial books. Library: Ebook readers can’t stand on the strength of their hardware alone.Other features: While not required, features like waterproofing and Bluetooth audio can make a good e-reader great.

In other words, most specs are less important than how good the ebook reader feels in the hand.